Archive for the ‘The Blog!’ Category

Just skimming through my more than awesome horror movie DVD collection and figured i’d give a list of 5 under-rated or not so well known little “gems” to check out.


If we raise the debt ceiling the economy will collapse…well, not really. That is what republicans are screaming about, along with the usual “slash and burn” ideology. Republicans have labeled raising the debt ceiling blasphemy, but you wouldn’t think so looking back at the last decade. From 2002 until 2008 the GOP voted to raise the debt ceiling 7 times under George Bush (more…)

Miss Me?
Well after months of sitting on the sidelines I’ve decided to get back into the blogging game. (more…)

Everyone seems to be upset about spending…and asks the question how do we get the deficit down? (more…)

So the Hostile Take Over has begun. The 112th Congress has been sworn in, lead by their orange skinned tan man himself, the new speaker of the house, John Boehner. After a tremendous speech by out going speaker, Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner took his over sized gavel, shed a tear….shed another…shed some more…well you get the point. (more…)

So there you have it. After what seems like years of debating back and forth between the farthest of the right to the farthest to the left, the new tax plan is finally announced. (more…)

We are two days removed from the mid-term elections…I take a look at the big results across the country, a spotlight on the Florida races and also a supreme court case going on in Arizona.

Top Notch Entertainment Podcast- 11/4/2010- Where do we go from here?


Posted: November 2, 2010 in Political Commentary, The Blog!

hey everyone, tired of reading? check out my podcast?

Well, where do we go from here. Those are the words I just see myself echoing on the morning of November 3rd, 2010. That is the day following the 2010 mid-term elections. (more…)

If I was in charge: The economy, jobs and deficit in America

In our country we have a 9.6% unemployment rate. A rate that sky rocketed during the Bush Administration, started to rise in the early months of the Obama presidency but has since slowly started to come down. Large corporations abuse the “free market” an outsourcing is at an all time high, Instead of keeping jobs here in the states, these corporations are shipping jobs overseas. Pick up a plastic cup, or kids toy car, chances are at the bottom you might read something like this. ”Made in China”. (more…)